The 2023 City of Ilagan Athletic Association Meet was successfully concluded at almost 6pm today
The 2023 City of Ilagan Athletic Association Meet was successfully concluded at almost 6pm today. On behalf of the Athletic Association , we extend our congratulations and sincere appreciations to all who in one way or another made the Meet successful.
Special thanks to
Our LGU family led by our Hon.Mayor Jose Marie L. Diaz,DMD. for the unparalleled support to Deped CIAA ;
Our GSO, Sir Ricky Laggui for being our best partner in the realization of our goal;
Our SDS Sir Gilbert and ASDS Ma’am Nelia for the excellent leadership and inspiration;
Our chiefs ,Ma’am Juliet and Sir Sam for the all- out support;
Our CID,SGOD and OSDS teammates for sharing your time and efforts in realizing our goal;
Our tournament managers, officiating officials and
the different working committees who performed their best to make the sporting event significant; and our school heads and other officials for sharing your resources and efforts to complete our play.
# Go for Gold , # One team ,one goal, # All glory to God

Repost from the original facebook post of Jojo Ramos